Things have been busy around here since my last post. We have been traveling quite a bit . We made a trip to New York for my daughter's 30th birthday party. (Can she really be 30????) It was a fun time even though we had a tornado warning in the middle of the party. After a few days of recovering at home, we were off to visit our son and daughter in law in Bend, Oregon. It was a wonderful visit, and the boys got most of the heating system in the new addition of their house. Back home ,work has been keeping my husband busy and I have been trying to clean out my Dad's house. It is an emotional and sad job, and every day I find some note or saved letter that brings tears to my eyes. My art studio has not made much progress, but we have decided the timberframe was too expensive, so it will be a conventional building. we may work on the floor tomorrow. Before the remnants of hurricane Sandy hit here, we had some beautiful weather. The small maple tree in my yard was beautiful. Lake wilhelm was gorgeous in fall color. Now the leaves have just about been blown from the trees and the beautiful fall colors are history for another year. I am once again worried about our area due to the ongoing onslaught of unconventional gas drilling. There are now two wells going in only a few miles from here and more to come. They are doing seismic testing in this neighborhood and I cringe to think of the damage being done to mother earth!! Will we have clean water, air, quiet country evenings, beautiful scenery, in a year from now??? Or will it be all frack ponds, air pollution, water pollution, truck traffic, and noise??? I shudder to think what is coming.
After all that gloom and doom talk, go to the link I list for Skyes Spirit wildlife rehab and watch the amazing video there of the release of an eagle they saved. What wonderful work these people do!!!
Here is one of the many woodpecker's that have been visiting my suet feeder. sometimes there is a waiting line!!
The only completed art work I have done lately is this gourd oil lamp with a polar bear . It has some crystal snowflakes on it so it should sparkle nicely when lit!! Until next time......