Monday, January 17, 2011

Sam the Cat Portrait

 The cold weather and snow are still here, so I kept going with the drawings I can work on totally in the house!I love the gourds and carving but they require time spent outside sanding and sawing. I do have a heated shop in the barn but the really dusty work I try to do outside. So here is the portrait of my cat Sam,first barely started and then basically finished except for a few touchups here and there. So I just have my Jack Russell to do and all my pets will be immortalized in colored pencil. I also have my horses and the goat but I better get back to work on some orders I have for gourds and a carved toilet seat.

1 comment:

  1. I would have known that was Sam in a crowd. Can almost hear him meow. Where are you hanging these treasures? I hope not up too high so they can't see them. The eyes are so right. Amazing. Poor Billy,my bet is he would like to be immortalized too! Oh yes, toilet seat. My bum gets awful cold hitting that porcelain in the middle of the night! Good luck tomorrow. I will be waiting to hear. Love ya
